Rückwärts laufen kann ich auch 1990 streaming
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Rückwärts laufen kann ich auch 1990 streaming

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Rückwärts laufen kann ich auch un film du genre Family/Drama/ , sortie en 1990-01-25 réalisé par "N/A" et "DEFA" avec une durée de " 87 Minutes ". ce projet est sortie aux East Germany avec la participation de plusieurs acteurs et réalisateur Peggy Langner et Roland Kuchenbuch et Vera Irrgang et Claudia Geisler-Bading, Gudrun Okras , Angelika Perdelwitz , Herbert Olschok, Peter Dommisch , Wilfried Loll , Klaus-Dieter Klebsch , Werner Godemann , Andrea Gelhaar , Gerd Funk
Seven-year-old Kati is glad that despite her spastic disability she is allowed to attend a normal school. Her parents made that possible. In her first year there, she is supposed to prove that she can get along at the school and she does her utmost to keep up with her classmates. Her disability, however, is greeted with constant mockery and disrespect. Even her teachers have a hard time treating her equally. When Kati fails math, she has to attend a special school. Katie is devastated but her friends help her to cope with the new situation.
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